7:12 PM Catherine 0 Comments

Hey guys! I'm writing this now so I can give you an update on what's coming for the blog and what the future will be like!

So as you could probably see, I've been doing a lot of these special projects. They are fun to do and give me time to work on other things. Right now, my blog doesn't have a lot of content. I know I vowed to write like 2-3 times a week but I now realize why this was impossible from the beginning and I would like to apologize if I gave you guys any false hopes ^^'. I promise I will write more in the future though! I won't stop! I just had the biggest writer's block and it's quite frustrating so instead of writing garbage, I decided I would take time off writing and focus more on my video production, editing and photoshop/special projects. I hope this doesn't bother you too much, to whomever I'm writing this to(If I'm even writing to someone haha). So here it is! I'll stop with the apologies now and move on to something more fun!

I have a lot of fun articles planned! If everything goes in my favour(and yours too) I'll be writing something(not telling you what ;P) this week AND posting another special project(special project teaser a the end of this post!!)! Please don't get tired of them because I have a lot more! I'll be back with M/V Reviews, Album Reviews, Indie Discoveries, and what I am most excited about, WILTs! Hang in there, I'm not letting you guys down!

So that's it for the update! I promise I'll be back soon with more content and BETTER content too!

Here's the teaser for the upcoming special project! Hope you have  agreat day/night from wherever you are and I'll see you soon!