Taeyang new album - RISE (RINGA LINGA REVIEW)

5:42 PM Catherine 0 Comments

Time for "you probably know what by now"! Are you ready? Let's go!

Here's the Track list for you guys:

1. Intro - Rise
2. Eyes, Nose, Lips
3. 1AM
4. Stay With Me (Feat. G Dragon)
5. Body
6. Ringa Linga
7. This Ain't it
8. Let Go
9. Love You To Death

P.S.: Word means I've reviewed the song


SOUND 9/10: Amazing sound. I gotta say, even though it's been out for a long time, I still listen to it and don't ever get tired of it. It stars off rather abrupt and then the part where he's all like "Let's all dance and have fun, ringa linga". That was pretty cool. His voice was also the strong point in this song. I really liked the way he singed it.(GD was also in the MV)
LYRICS 8/10: yeah, I mean, there's really nothing special about these lyrics apart from the fact that they are really easy to learn. I learned them in, like, 3 days.(hahahaha, yeah sure) No but really , the lyrics don't really have anything special. They're good so that's why I'm putting a 8.
BEAT 10/10: really don't have anything to say on the beat. It's amazing and it's uplifting and really fun. Makes you want to move and I guess that's what the song is all about. The true essence of Ringa Linga is... well, dancing! and that's it's making us do, so I guess that's a win-win situation.
OVERALL 8/10: I mean, it's not the best song in the album nor is it the worst. It's certainly not my favourite but it's not my least favourite. It was very good but not extraordinary. I guess you could say it was average. Or simply normal-Taeyang level. Yeah! That's it!

So each day, I'll post a review of each of the songs of Taeyang's new album! Hope that'll be cool with you guys! If you have something to add to this post or something you want to share or tell me, just write it down here in the comments! Thank you for reading!

P.S.: sorry guys. today's review may be not as good as the other ones because I really ain't feeling well.  I've caught some virus or something so I'm sorry if it's not like usual!