Taeyang new album - RISE (BODY REVIEW)

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Hello! Here I am with another review! This time it's going to be Body, the 5th song on the album. Let's go!

Here's the Track list for you guys:

1. Intro - Rise
2. Eyes, Nose, Lips
3. 1AM
4. Stay With Me (Feat. G Dragon)
5. Body
6. Ringa Linga
7. This Ain't it
8. Let Go
9. Love You To Death

P.S.: Word means I've reviewed the song


SOUND 8/10: Pretty good sound in general. I don't really feel especially attracted towards this one but I still like it. You have that great jazzy sound in the background which I really appreciate! I don't like the fact that he has that "robotic" voice in the song. I mean, he has a really great voice already so I don't think he should modify it whatsoever but whatever. I'm no Kpop star to decide that now, am I!
LYRICS 10/10: Hahaha. Perfect lyrics. "I got that body, you got that body, now you and me let's make somebody". I really love Taeyang's way of thinking. LET'S MAKE SOMEBODY!!! Yeah! Let's do that. Whenever you want Taeyang honey. My body is always ready for you *licks lips*
BEAT 9/10: This has an actually good beat. First of all, I was not expecting that from Taeyang at all. I really love the fact that he put a different sound from his usual songs. I love change! Especially in Kpop!
OVERALL 9/10: Overall, I would say this song is living up to my expectations. Taeyang is really living up my expectations with this album anyway. I did  to expect less from him! Only the best for the best!

So each day, I'll post a review of each of the songs of Taeyang's new album! Hope that'll be cool with you guys! If you have something to add to this post or something you want to share or tell me, just write it down here in the comments! Thank you for reading!

P.S.: If you're wondering, yes, my prom did go well. I just had that amazing headache when I woke up. Party hard baby.