First MV reaction!

6:51 PM Catherine 0 Comments

AKMU's Melted

So the first video I'll react to is "Melted" by AKMU (Akdong Musicians). First of all, these guys are awesome. Lee Chan-hyuk and Lee Soo-hyun are brother and sister and music is in their veins. you can clearly hear and see that. They are the winners of Kpop star, a Korean TV show. They are under the wings of YG entertainment.

Lee Soo-hyun on the left and Lee Chan-Hyuk on the right

Let's start with Lee Chan-hyuk. Not only does he have this amazingly soothing voice but he also has these awesome glasses which I"m quite jealous of. He has the perfect match between a relaxing voice and a grunge voice(If that even makes sense.) And then, I'm not even started with Lee Soo-hyun. This girl. Her voice is the cutest. Amazingly soft and relaxing. Her smile is the best. Her cheeks make me wanna pull them. There's something about her that makes her so amazingly talented.
Look at them. These are just awesome.
So, anyway, without further ado, here's the official MV for "Melted" by AKMU.

Now let's see. First of all, this video made me cry. Like, really cry. Not fake crying or anything. Pure and genuine tears. I found it so sad but at the same time so cute. I don't know about you but this video was amazing. YG is on a role this year. AKMU is on a role. Their previous MV for "200%" was amazing and the new one for "Give Love" was also pretty good. I think this video was perfect for the song. I have to say though, I really thought it was going to be something totally different. Something like, I don't know, a stop motion? (These seem to be pretty popular this year.) Just seeing their face singing would've been enough for me to enjoy this video. My problem is that I enjoy every single thing they make. I won't nag on any thing they release or do. "Why are you writing this then?" you"ll ask me. Ha! Because this video is too good not to review.

Actual reaction

At first, we see an old guy with a lizard and we don't know who they are or what they are doing there. (Will we ever know, I wonder.) So, the story here is that there's this guy, who's, I don't know, homeless or maybe he's just ran out of his home, and he's asking for a ride. We also see that he has this camera that he apparently takes everywhere with him. We see him in the car of this guy and he's taking pictures for an unknown reason. Next we see him being thrown out of the car that took him in because he was taking pictures of the guy's stuff which is perfectly understandable because who the heck takes pictures of your stuff, especially papers and stuff like that? Anyway, let's not talk about this right now.
seriously dude? What are you doing?
Next, we see him walking to a convenience store and then buying some snacks, wait no, not snacks. Apparently he bought films for his camera instead of food. Yeah, Let's pass on to another scene, thanks. After much consideration, Aidan(Let's call him Aidan because that's actually his real name) goes to the cash register to pay and this old man is there. 
Did you notice the Pocky?
The good old man(Is he really after we saw that perverted look on his face as he touched the money?) takes his money and let's him go. Nothing unusual until now. He takes pictures of people here and there and then we see this scene where two women argue about something. I really think this specific scene was very powerful.
That face
They are of two different ethnicity and their daughters/sons seem to be mixed race. We can't know for sure but I think that scene had something special about it. Next we see this bicycle guy with balloons(???) and we clearly see that he's angry(really, what is this world coming to? Angry people everywhere...). Again, Aidan is taking pictures of this anger. We pass on to another part where we see a woman in a car, crying. She notices Aidan taking a picture of her and smiles.(A smile!) Aidan smiles back and next thing we know, she's showing him some pictures she took and he's also taking pictures of her. That part was actually pretty cute because you can see she regained her smile. And that made me smile throughout the flood of my tears. And then, bla bla bla they get in a bar, the girl is dancing bla, bla, bla, sad guy, bla, bla, bla, girl leaves with Aidan's bag, he wakes up, bla, bla, bla, trouble, Aidan is punched, camera falls down, bla, bla, bla.... wait, what? Did that just happen? This poor guy. All he wanted to do was sleep and actually be able to try to do something. Rah this is just too sad and unfair. His camera was his only thing left. And then the rest of the Mv goes pretty smoothly until he arrives at this house. There's a dog there and it looks pretty fierce. What are your best options here, Aidan?
  1. Run away
  2. Do nothing and continue walking like you never saw anything
  3. Hug the dog
  4. Scream at the dog
What do you choose? !!!Option #4 is the winner!!! Good thinking here, Aidan. No, really I can kind of understand him. He has all that anger built up in him and he didn't have any chance to take it out on someone.(That scream was just so... real though.) We then see a native American guy come out of
Go get it tiger!
the small house. Oh sh*t. You're fu**ed now Aidan. Surprisingly though, the guy just stares at him, with a crowbar in his hand. Nothing to be scared of here. Relax. Flashback to the old guy from earlier. Still remember him? No? Well that's ok because I didn't either. Anyway, next scene we see Aidan and the native American guy sharing a soup of some sort and laughing. Apparently this guy knows how to fix cameras which is very convenient in this situation. Thank you mister. We then end the video on a really cute scene in which we see Aidan finally smiling and being happy. But wait! What was with the old guy? Yeah... about that old guy... I still don't know hat he was doing or why he was there. Ok, I have my theory but nothing is sure with these kinds of MVs.

Ending scene
So I think the old guy was actually old Aidan. He was just reflecting on his life drinking whatever was in his glass and, you know, flashbacking... (new term we should all use) Is it crazy to think that? It's the only thing I can come up with. Why else would he be there? 

Overall, I would say this video was excellent. It exceeded my expectations. I cried. A lot. This video hit a soft spot inside me. Thanks for the feels, AKMU. I would give it a rating of 8/10 screaming Aidans because it still had it's flaws. The singing in this video was perfect, as usual of AKMU and I wish them the best of luck in the future! These guys are good and they need to succeed in this path of life. 
Me during this video

That's it guys! My first MV reaction ever. That was longer than I thought it would be but still fun. 

Have another theory for the mysterious old man? Have a comment to make or just something you want to say about this post? Comment down below and I'll answer! Thank you for taking the time to read and I hope you'll see my next post!