What I'm listening to [07/05/2014]

5:17 PM Catherine 0 Comments

What I'm listening to

I"m starting this new thing that I'll call WILT. I'll post a WILT every week(hopefully). Hope you'll enjoy this!

What I'm listening to:


You guessed it; EXO is at the top of my list this week. Can't stop listening to it. So. Addictive.

Next off is G Dragon's Window(that is a weird sentence to write). Discovered this recently. I don't know why I didn't hear about this sooner. At least I did, Thank God.

Last one is Yahage from New Champ. The video is so cool and fun to watch. The song itself has a pretty good beat which I like. Plus, it makes a bit of a change from all the EXO craze(not that I don't like it).

Let me know if you guys want more of these! They're pretty fun to make! Thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next WILT!