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Time for another Kpop group overview! Yoohoo!

 It's been a long time and some of you may be wondering what I was doing all this time. Quite simple really. First of all, School began. I don't have as much time as I had when I was doing absolutely nothing of my days. Second thing is that I was really taken by surprise with the amount of things I suddenly had to do again. Homework, chores and taking care of my things. These were all things I didn't really need to think about when I was on my summer break. I had tons of things to do and a lot of stress(And by stress I mean changing schools.). And let me tell you something. I can't write when I'm under a lot of stress. I just becomes impossible. So I had to take a short break. And if I wrote in that previous condition, I would've only wrote garbage. And I didn't want that. So anyway, now I'm back and I'm hopping that this little break helped get my things sorted and that I'll be able to write more and better content for you guys because that's what I love doing! 

Let's get this thing started!

Ladies' Code

Ladies' Code made their debut in 2013 under Polaris Entertainment. They made their debut with the mini album "Code #1" and with the title track "Bad Girl" on March 7, 2013. On september 3rd, 2014, they released their second mini album "Code #2". They were not the most popular group of the year but they were definitely worth a watch and a listen. Their tracks were full of potential and they were very hard working. Unfortunately, on september 3rd, 2014, the group had a major car accident that left three of the members badly injured and 2 members passed away. EunB died on september 3rd, the day of the incident and Rise succumbed from her injuries four days later, on september 7th, 2014. That was the first fatal incident to ever happen in the kpop industry. At this point, we doubt Ladies' Code will ever perform or make music ever again. As I am writing this, people in Korea and ll over the world are still grieving their deaths.

Ladies' Code's music varies(I don't know which tense to take here) from Pop to Dance to even a little bit of electronic(wut is dat? Here you go, you uneducated human). Their music can reach a lot of people from elderly to young kids. They have a sweet and sour sound in my opinion. Here is their music video for "Kiss Kiss", their latest single.


I think each member was really sweet and they all had interesting personalities. here are the members' profiles.

Birth Name: Choi Bi Na
English Name: Ashley Choi
Stage Name: Ashley
Nickname: Global Code
Birthday: November 9, 1991
Position: Leader and Lead Vocalist
Height: 166 cm
Weight: 48 kg
Twitter: @LC__Ashley
-from New York, United States

Birth Name: Kim Joo Mi
Stage Name: Zuny
Nickname: Pretty Chic Code
Birthday: December 8, 1994
Position: Vocalist and Maknae
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 44 kg
Blood Type: B
Skills: Acting
Twitter: @LC__zuny

Birth Name: Lee So Jung
Stage Name: Sojung
Nickname: Funky Code
Birthday: September 3, 1993
Position: Main Vocalist
Height: 162 cm
Weight: 43 kg
Twitter: @LC__Sojung

Birth Name: Go Eun Bi †
Stage Name: EunB
Nickname: Lovely Code
Birthday: November 23, 1992
Death: September 3, 2014
Position: Vocalist
Height: 164 cm
Weight: 44 kg
Blood Type: AB
Twitter: @LC__EunB

Birth Name: Kwon Ri Sae †
Stage Name: Rise
Nickname: Pure Code
Birthday: August 16, 1991
Death: September 7, 2014
Position: Vocalist and Face of the Group
Height: 164 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Specialties: Dance
Favorite Artists: Beyonce, Misia, Big Mama, Big Bang
Twitter: @LC__Rise
-From Tokyo, Japan

They were all really cool girls with bubbly personalities. I hope the remaining members will stay as is. 

Time for videos! Here is a compilation of all their MVs because you guys know how much I like Mvs.






So this is it for Ladies' Code! I didn't want to talk too much about them because I want you guys to go and discover them yourselves. They are a fantastic group and are definitely worth a listen. I strongly recommend them if you are feeling low and want to smile! 

Thank you for reading and as usual, if you have anything you want to say or add, you know what to do! See you! 