5:42 PM Catherine 0 Comments

May you rest in peace, dear Go Eun-Bi

You were too young and had way too many things to do before you passed away.

I hope you will watch the rest of your family and members from above and will pray for them and their health.

I also wish for Rise and Zuny to have a good recovery. May you girls hopefully have a peaceful and quiet recovery. 

Thank you for the good years we shared together. The Kpop scene will not be the same without you.

R.I.P. EunB

Go Eun-Bi - November 23, 1992 - September 3, 2014

UPDATE: Rise has also passed away due to her injuries. She died four days after EunB. We pray for the remaining member and their families. Please wear your seat belts guys.
Kwon Ri-Se August 16, 1991 - September 7, 2014

P.S.: I will do a Group Overview in honor of our dear EunB and Rise later this week. sorry I Haven't been writing much lately, school has started so I have less time to write here. Please understand. Thank you for reading.