Taeyang new album - RISE (STAY WITH ME REVIEW)

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You guys are going to say: "Already another post??" and I"m going to reply: "yeah cause I have my prom tomorrow so I won't have time to post". Hope it doesn't bother you too much though. Next song on the album is Stay with me Feat. G Dragon. This is going to be good. I feel it.

Here's the Track list for you guys:

1. Intro - Rise
2. Eyes, Nose, Lips
3. 1AM
4. Stay With Me (Feat. G Dragon)
5. Body
6. Ringa Linga
7. This Ain't it
8. Let Go
9. Love You To Death

P.S.: Word means I've reviewed the song


SOUND 10/10: What can I say? G Dragon is in the song. Of course it's good. I don't know what else to say. That's it. I'm done. If GD is there I'm immediately dying. I don't even know how this thing works. His voice just has an amazing effect on my body and mind. Anyway, Taeyang's voice is amazingly sweet too. Let's not forget about him.
LYRICS 10/10: Not even going to try here. Perfect as always. I know I always say that but it's true.
BEAT 10/10: Ok. So this was actually really tough for me because I actually had to finish the song to rate the beat. Each time the chorus came on, I was like:" OMG I AM DYING RIGHT HRE RIGHT NOW IN MY BEDROOM OR MY LIVING ROOM I DONT CARE". My folks were like "wtf" and that was it. No but really. There's a part in the song where a bunch of people sing all together and that gives me the shivers. I just feel really good inside when this part comes on. It's really good. I really like that.
OVERALL 10/10: Just because it's that perfect. Each time I listen to it, I just turn into a complete slug and just melt on whatever I am sitting on, because YES, I have to sit down to listen to this song. No judging. (THANKS TAEYANG) Is it because G Dragon was in the song that I liked it so much? YES YES YES and YES. And also Taeyang. But also GD. This song is probably my second favourite of the album and we're not even half in it(JUST WAIT UNTIL WE GET TO "BODY"). Oh God what am I going to do? Aigoo, I guess.

So each day, I'll post a review of each of the songs of Taeyang's new album! Hope that'll be cool with you guys! If you have something to add to this post or something you want to share or tell me, just write it down here in the comments! Thank you for reading!