Taeyang new album - RISE (THIS AIN'T IT REVIEW)

5:36 PM Catherine 0 Comments

Today is going to be "This ain't it". Hahaha weird sentence. Let's go!

Here's the Track list for you guys:

1. Intro - Rise
2. Eyes, Nose, Lips
3. 1AM
4. Stay With Me (Feat. G Dragon)
5. Body
6. Ringa Linga
7. This Ain't it
8. Let Go
9. Love You To Death

P.S.: Word means I've reviewed the song


SOUND 10/10: The perfect slow paced song. I could fall asleep to this song and it wouldn't be an insult to the song. It's amazingly soothing and I'm pretty sure it has so healing powers. Just listen to it real good or a second. What do you hear? I'm pretty sure I'm not the only who's hearing the crying sound of a thousand fangirls in the background. Am I? Then they must be mine, hahaha....
LYRICS 10/10: This song is seriously too sweet. I' m going to end up with a cavity again.(Ended up in the same situation after listening to the whole Busker Busker album 5 times in a row) "I miss you more than I hate you" Oh come on. "I long for you more than I'm sad" OH COME ON! Stop messing with my feels Taeyang. Please.
BEAT 10/10: there's not really any beat tothis song but what do I know. I say there is one and I rate it 10 out of 10. BAM! I can do what I want. This is my blog. Anyway, the "beat" was perfect in my opinion.
OVERALL 10/10: I'm probably a very bad reviewer but I think this song was what made the whole album. I really think it was awesome and deserved a lot more recognition. I really liked it. Thank you Taeyang for always bringing us the best in your albums. As an international fan who can't go to your concerts, I can positively say that this song was perfect.

 So each day, I'll post a review of each of the songs of Taeyang's new album! Hope that'll be cool with you guys! If you have something to add to this post or something you want to share or tell me, just write it down here in the comments! Thank you for reading!

P.S: Still not feeling well. Will work on writing in the future, please bare with me in the meantime.